This book by M. M. Sathyanarayan provides valuable insights into what it takes to launch and manage a successful offshore initiative
Are you charged with turning your company's offshore development mission statement into reality? Or do you need to learn more about offshore development and how it might alter your company’s future strategies? Then you need this book.
The benefits of offshoring can be readily understood at the conceptual level. However, “Transforming the vision of offshoring into reality is fraught with significant risks. Many companies launch into offshoring without fully understanding these issues. Consequently, many have either failed or are marginally successful. To be successful, the companies must approach offshoring as a strategic initiative. It takes planning, a long-term orientation, understanding and addressing issues across companies, time zones and cultures.”
This book is intended to assist senior executives in the software industry gain a balanced viewpoint -- the benefits of offshoring as well as the associated risks and best practices to effectively manage those risks.
This information-packed book is based on: the author’s direct experiences in implementing offshore development, guiding his clients, and best practices of many successful companies. The book provides guidelines for dealing with these frequently asked questions:
• Why consider offshore development?
• Is offshore development right for a specific company?
• What types of projects qualify for offshore development?
• Which countries should be considered?
• What are the challenges?
• What is the best way to organize for success?
• How to select the best vendor from a pool of hundreds
• How to identify the best opportunities
• How to control projects remotely, gain visibility and measure results
• What are the hidden costs?
• How to manage risks
“The best part of this book isn’t just the book itself it’s the years of hard-to-gain and hard-to-explain experience that shines through every page. This is no book about the theory of offshore development and its underlying economic principles. It’s a nuts-and-bolts guide to an important strategy that virtually every executive needs to understand today.”
--Dave Cutler, Vice President, Customer Service, Novell, Inc.
“Sathyanarayan’s insight and experience are apparent in this book. This is a straight-talking guide to understanding what it takes to tap the clear advantages of offshore software development. “
--Scott Brown, Vice President, Products, DecisionPoint Applications.
The benefits of offshoring can be readily understood at the conceptual level. However, “Transforming the vision of offshoring into reality is fraught with significant risks. Many companies launch into offshoring without fully understanding these issues. Consequently, many have either failed or are marginally successful. To be successful, the companies must approach offshoring as a strategic initiative. It takes planning, a long-term orientation, understanding and addressing issues across companies, time zones and cultures.”
This book is intended to assist senior executives in the software industry gain a balanced viewpoint -- the benefits of offshoring as well as the associated risks and best practices to effectively manage those risks.
This information-packed book is based on: the author’s direct experiences in implementing offshore development, guiding his clients, and best practices of many successful companies. The book provides guidelines for dealing with these frequently asked questions:
• Why consider offshore development?
• Is offshore development right for a specific company?
• What types of projects qualify for offshore development?
• Which countries should be considered?
• What are the challenges?
• What is the best way to organize for success?
• How to select the best vendor from a pool of hundreds
• How to identify the best opportunities
• How to control projects remotely, gain visibility and measure results
• What are the hidden costs?
• How to manage risks
“The best part of this book isn’t just the book itself it’s the years of hard-to-gain and hard-to-explain experience that shines through every page. This is no book about the theory of offshore development and its underlying economic principles. It’s a nuts-and-bolts guide to an important strategy that virtually every executive needs to understand today.”
--Dave Cutler, Vice President, Customer Service, Novell, Inc.
“Sathyanarayan’s insight and experience are apparent in this book. This is a straight-talking guide to understanding what it takes to tap the clear advantages of offshore software development. “
--Scott Brown, Vice President, Products, DecisionPoint Applications.
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